Boards of directors, also known as nonprofits or commercial boards, or directors are the legal governing body of different business entities. These companies can be traded on a publicly traded stock market (a public company), privately owned and not tax-exempt (a private or family limited liability partnership or company) or exempt from federal income tax due to its charitable mission or purpose (a nonprofit corporation).
No matter what type of business entity, boards are generally required to perform their fiduciary duties such as ensuring that decisions are based on the facts and in the best interests of the company. Boards must also be aware of the legal consequences of their decisions and ensure that they comply with all of the requirements stipulated in their bylaws. These include the ones pertaining to fundraising and conflicts of interests, as well as other policies.
Remember that most board members are volunteers and are not paid. The board members must remain active and engaged in the work the board is doing for the community.
A contract that isn’t legally binding, but clearly outlines key roles, responsibilities, and expectations can be used to keep a board of non-profits active. This will reduce the amount that is back and forth, and the number of meetings required to report.
Diversity is another method to enhance a board. A mixture of people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives can reduce myopia and groupthink. This is why it is essential to look for diverse candidates from many sources, including those who are directly affected by the social problem your nonprofit is trying to address. Other considerations to take into account are ethnicity, age, professions, work style along with political ideology and geographic geographical location.